2021 Summary and update

Posted on: January 2, 2022

This year I was carnivore for the entire year, started my health coaching certification through Chris Kresser's ADAPT program, started taking bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and started taking low dose naltrexone. That is a lot considering I was on *nothing* before. Now I have a weekly injection of estrodoil (or ...
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Natural born loafer

Posted on: December 5, 2016

I am what I like to call a natural loafer. I would rather lie on the couch and read, no matter what. It doesn’t matter how nice it is outside, it doesn’t matter that I did it yesterday, it doesn’t matter that dinner’s ready. So it’s weird that I ended ...
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Smashing Conventional Wisdom Part 2

Posted on: February 3, 2013

If I wanted this blog post to be 3 days long instead of 2 parts long (check out part 1 HERE) I would go into the horrific conventional wisdom regarding fat. Instead of discussing fat (which is a good thing and an integral part of my diet), here is my latest ...
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Smashing Conventional Wisdom Part 1

Posted on: January 30, 2013

****if you are looking for information on my MS symptoms or how I got started on this lifestyle check out the earliest blogs***** I came to this lifestyle with a lifelong weight problem. It was my Multiple Sclerosis that motivated me to adopt the paleo (or whatever you want to call ...
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Radio commentary link

Posted on: September 28, 2012

Here is a link to my radio commentaries about using diet and lifestyle to control my health. Commentary
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Moving farther away from Multiple Sclerosis

Posted on: September 10, 2012

A couple of weeks ago my legs were a little floppy. I reflected on a summer of deteriorating resolve. There was a lot of corn, booze, gluten exposure (though I wouldn't actually eat it), dairy. Sooo much cheese. Gluten free pretzels. Like I can just eat cheese. I really can't. ...
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So Jack Osborne has MS

Posted on: June 18, 2012

All day people have been clamoring to let me know that Jack Osborne has MS. They want me to contact him and let him know about the autoimmune protocol of paleo. Which is sweet. In the beginning I thought I could tell Montel Williams, Neal Cavuto and Ann Romney about ...
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Gluten free in Wilmington, NC

Posted on: March 15, 2012

It's ironic that I am gluten free because one thing I did when I first moved to the South was make regular trips back to NJ for car loads of my favorite bread. I make a perfect grilled cheese sandwich. As a cook, bread was my favorite medium. When I ...
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Guest blog post from Rachel Sanders. Our first guest blog post!

Posted on: January 15, 2012

The Paleo Diet/lifestyle/ theory has become part of the daily routine in the Sanders' household. I'm the trailblazer by far. My husband, Bryan, being not far behind and having no complaints. Our four kids: Ella (10), Coleman (8) Thomas (4) and Andrew (2) are along for the ride and they ...
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Neurologists: a necessary evil?

Posted on: December 28, 2011

I have been procrastinating about getting an updated MRI because I always think I am pregnant. If there is any chance I am pregnant, I don't want to subject myself to gadolinium or the MRI machine. I had my yearly appointment scheduled with Dr. Mark Skeen at Duke University Medical ...
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The distraction phase

Posted on: December 13, 2011

I am a dog person all the way. My relationship with dogs has evolved and matured my whole life. I didn't learn how to properly treat or interact with them until a long way into the whole experience. It took a professional dog trainer to finally explain the true essence of training and then ...
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Thanksgiving and the AIP

Posted on: November 20, 2011

I love Thanksgiving and I love turkey dinner. The first year of eating this way on Thanksgiving was ridiculous. My mother traditionally makes a lot of gluteny things for Thanksgiving. There's cannelloni for the first course, bulgur wheat stuffing with apricots, traditional bread stuffing, Paul Prudhomme's oyster dressing, and we always ...
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Why broth and meat week? Is it feasible?

Posted on: September 14, 2011

I feel awesome right now. Far away from Multiple Sclerosis. I still get trace reminders of my symptoms, but none of the scary ones. And only when I eat foods I am reactive to more than once. Believe me I have broken down and eaten 2 slices of pizza. Thrown ...
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What is the autoimmune protocol of paleo?

Posted on: August 5, 2011

A popular saying in the paleo world is: my paleo is your paleo is my paleo is your paleo. It means that everyone has a different take on what is paleo and what isn't. And if that's not confusing enough, there is also the autoimmune protocol. So let's first identify ...
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Farmer’s Market Buzzkill

Posted on: July 9, 2011

The town where I live is both charming and mediocre. The beachtown culture is 'laid back.' The farmer's market reflects that. This morning, every stand had nightshades galore and autoimmuners can't eat nightshades (tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers, tobacco). I am not a farmer, that might be the only thing that ...
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How did I make the connection between the paleo diet and the MS Diet book?

Posted on: June 16, 2011

How did I make the connection between the paleo diet and the MS Diet book? And how did I actually start doing it? It all comes down to Crossfit. My box (what we call the gym), Crossfit Wilmington (CFW), is an amazing place that encouraged me to eat paleo and ...
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